Powertec Basic Trainer - VKR P-BT

Powertec Basic Trainer P-BT13
Powertec Basic Trainer P-BT13
Powertec Basic Trainer P-BT13
Powertec Basic Trainer P-BT13
Powertec Basic Trainer P-BT13
Powertec Basic Trainer P-BT13
Powertec Basic Trainer P-BT13

Powertec Basic Trainer - VKR P-BT

$799.00 $620.00

Powertec Basic Trainer (P-BT16)

The multi gripping access of the chin-up section is great for training the back and biceps, while the dipping and push-up station will work the chest, deltoids and triceps. The Powertec Basic Trainer P-BT locks your upper body in place with comfort when performing leg raises to develop the abdominals. Both stations incorporate convenient step up access when starting each exercise. A great body weight rack system for those who want to build muscle or just stay in shape. Order your Powertec Basic Trainer P-BT from FitnessFactoryOutlet.com today! 

Powertec Basic Trainer New design:
The new Powertec Basic Trainer now provides all of the exercises from the front side making the rack much more compact.

Powertec Basic Trainer Multiple gripping access:
Numerous grip positions are available to accomplish the different exercises. The chin-up section also incorporates a swivel straight bar for close grip training.

Powertec Basic Trainer P-BT Specs:

Model No P-BT16
Accessorize No
Isolateral Function No
Dimension (L x W x H) (inches) 47.5" x 47" x 88.5"
Max Weight Capacity 400 lbs.
Total Shipping Weight 147 lbs.

The Powertec Basic Trainer P-BT performs all of the following exercises!

  • Dips 
  • Leg Raises
  • Chin-Ups 
  • Push Ups 

Powertec Basic Trainer P-BT Warranty:

- Lifetime on frames (excluding paint finish)
- 2 years on component parts (bearings, spring pins)
- 1 year on pads, grips and unspecified parts

Order your Powertec Basic Trainer P-BT from FitnessFactoryOutlet.com today!

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Items shipped via FedEx will be brought to your door. We currently only ship to the 48 contiguous United States. Sorry but we do not ship to Alaska, Hawaii or Canada. 

In rare situations, some areas may be considered undeliverable. Those orders will simply be refunded.

Also, for larger items, your delivery address must be accessible by a semi-trailer truck. Please call 877-336-7483 if you would like us to arrange inside delivery and professional set-up of your equipment with a local service provider.


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